Mac vs PC/ PC vs MAC

Well a lot has been said about this topic and I thought it was time I put in a little of what I thought to see if we can at least come to a common understanding or at least get the truth about all this. (The truth is out there…x files)
When I first heard of a Mac, well I guess I was in late primary school, I had seen it in the movie blank cheque but that doesn’t really count. I have been using PC’s most of my life and frankly, I don’t see a good reason for getting a Mac any time soon, unless that is they start making really good products that are really impressive not just in the design and make but also in the performance sector(that sounds a little not true now maybe…read on).
What Apple knows to do best is market their products, when it comes to marketing strategies, well we all have to give it to the late Steve Jobs for doing such a good job. The design team also does an impressive job, we all know for sure that an apple computer is one of those cool looking gadgets to have around but the question then arises, does everything add up really??
Well for most people (many people I know actually) want to own a Mac because they are “cool”, that’s true, Macs are cool, everyone knows that but today am not going to be looking at the physical description of the devices, I am going to compare these two devices based entirely on the components inside, when it comes to operating system performance and the aesthetic value, that’s going to be a story for another day.
Before we can make the products comparisons, it is also good to point out that Apples’ Steve knows the market he targets; mostly the youth. You all agree with me that young people like shiny things, there are many examples I can give many examples to support my theory if you want to argue:
1. Bling your favourite rapper likes to show off in music videos
2. Those shiny thingy’s girls wear around there eyes
3. Those shiny trousers I see people wearing everywhere(I don’t like these ones)
4. Supras are shiny right?
I could go on and on about this and the list would be endless but you didn’t come here for that now. Getting that out of the way, ask yourself why over 90% of Mac’s (and other devices from apple) are made of shiny Aluminum finish, why most Macs come with a standard glossy screen, do you get my drift here? Job’s knows that a Rose by any other name would still smell as sweet but he also knows that we all judge a book by its cover or better still some of us judge a book by its movie thus the good looking and sounding Ad’s they produce I mean, watching an Add made by Apple will make you want to get whatever they are talking about right away. A good example of what am talking about here is some Add I came to watch about the new i-Mac’s. Its common knowledge that any manufacturer out there can’t make a big screen…… by big am talking 26 inch….++screens without a high resolution (have you ever heard of a 42 inch screen with a 1024 by 768 resolution) that would be well, very stupid or just not clever at all. Well this guy (am not mentioning any names here) makes a big deal about the new Mac’s having a resolution that is well beyond full HD in such a way that you would think nothing like this has ever been done before. This guy makes something so obvious seem like well, a miracle.
Don’t get me wrong, am not saying that this guy is a liar, just that he is telling us something so obvious in an extraordinary way that it sounds fictious yet it’s true, and that’s what I call marketing. By making it look like such a big deal, you actually have to buy this new i-Mac and see for yourself, and that’s where they get you.
Most of you out there own PC’s and I don’t really have much to say about them only that there is a very huge collection to choose from when it comes to PC’s that what you buy actually depends on your user needs. We have all types of PC’S out there, from your basic internet browsing document editing machine to that monster machine with a quad core and two graphic cards connected in SLI (or more depending on the number of slots you have and also the cooling system) . When you want to buy a PC, you will be led by the money you have, your needs; availability is not an issue in this case. When you want to buy a Mac…most people are led by the marketing strategies that Apple employs and nothing else really (remember I have said many people).
When you want to buy a Mac, most people are led by their looks, the perception that Mac’s are for the few who can afford them (because they are more expensive, which is also true in many cases) and the security features of the operating system’s platform among other reasons.
My advice, when it comes to choice between Mac and PC, take your time to go through all the options available to you. If you want a machine that looks cool, that your friends will like and that will probably cost you more, then go for a Mac, if you want a machine with all the above options, then go for a high end PC but it might probably cost the same and even perform better than a Mac with the same price (but different configuration of course). You might think this is not true and that I really don’t like Mac’s but that’s not true at all. I really love Mac’s and will be glad to own one very soon when I can afford it but for the time being I am still happy to be a PC user not because the operating system is the easiest to use but for the mere reason that I get value for my money all other factors put into consideration.
Some comparisons between the new Mac Book Pro, a standard PC (Lenovo t520) and Hp envy15all are 15 inch systems but let’s see the differences for ourselves:

1. From the above comparisons, its clear what system to go for when you want a general machine for office work and some gaming on it too, go for the Lenovo.
2. If you want a media based machine and you don’t mind the heat generated go for the Mac Book Pro (this machines are known for getting very hot during running of CPU intensive tasks e.g. gaming)
3. The Hp comes in third since it has been beaten by both the Lenovo and the Mac over the processor, while it does incredibly well in the RAM sector but it has two major disadvantages and that is the price and also the heat generated, from the above it can be seen that the price is the same as the Mac Book Pro.
Remember, it is not always how the device looks, also consider the components durability, longevity and also expandability. Lenovo knows a thing or two about durability and longevity that the two companies could learn from. Have a great week ahead. My name is Musangi Meshack, and I approve this message. Note: All the information from the above table was collected from the corresponding sites, I actually assembled the device and checked out the price except for the Hp where I had to fish for the info, any errors are highly regretted; any additional info and comments will be highly appreciated. Find us on Google+ Musangi Meshack - Find me on


Anthony said…
Boss, forgive me if i'm wrong, but weren't the first plasmas 1024*720 resolution. So apple imac's being more pixels than a HD TV is actually a good thing. Apple computers are used by most designers, media firms and architects not by accident, but because their processors can run for far longer than normal PCs while rendering. Apples not only look good, but last longer, in good condition. Lenovo's drawbacks, dis-similarly, include being quite ugly as far as computers go. The last time a Lenovo ThinkPad looked current was in the early 2000s and their tendency to have vastly different keyboards and device features is unnecessary considering they run Windows just like other PCs.
Unknown said…
Hi, Anthony, first i would like to thank you for reading my blog then to apologize for not responding earlier. Well i do agree with you on the fact that the first plasma sets had a resolution of 1024 by 720. I would also like to agree with you that Apple devices are revolutionary in terms of setting the pace for others to follow. Case in example is the new mac book pro to be released by Apple with a whooping resolution of 2880 by 1800. The part I would like to disagree with you is where you claim that Apples run longer than normal PC's while rendering. The truth of the matter is that there is only one renown chip manufacturer in the whole world which is Intel. Entirely all computers run on Intel chips and Apple devices currently spot Intel microprocessors and Nvidia graphic cards. This is a common configuration spotted by many PC's, and the main reason why many graphic based applications run better on Macs is due to the different platform. It is alleged that Mac OSX renders graphics better than Windows (which is still debatable, hint 90% of the games are based on Windows). The only thing that gives Mac OSX based devices an advantage over normal PC's is the aesthetics. All in all, if you pick a similarly configured device and a PC, the Mac will be more expensive than the PC just because it is a Mac, and that is true ama?
Anonymous said…
It is alleged that Mac OSX renders graphics better than Windows (which is still debatable, hint 90% of the games are based on Windows)...
Hi Meshack, maybe the people don`t do a lot of research about things that they believe is the ONLY TRUE... Mac Os RENDERS WYSIWYG GRAPHICS BETTER THAN WINDOWS.... it`s not an opinion it`s a FACT. You should go wiki, and take a look at QUARTZ 2D tecnology and his relationship with "profesional printing"... PostScript and PDF. Then go to ATSUI, or Apple`s Typography rendering engine. Then take a look at ColorSync, Apple`s Industry standard Color Manager Tecnology. These 3 tecnologies, aren`t available for Windows from scratch... QUARTZ isn`t available for Windows at all... for any money. The people don`t think that the comparison is between apples and orange from the begining... comparing a 30 years old "annualy patched" S.O. with a 12 years of developed UNIX-based modern Operating System.
Unknown said…
Hi, Anonymous 4.08, you raise good points there, let me do some more research and get back to you n that. Thanks for your comment.

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