Windows 8

Many are anticipating the arrival of Windows 8, the next installment from microsoft,
to say i am really waiting for this day would be an understatement., but do many of us really understand what the rolling out of windows 8 means?
First of all, there was the rumor abut windows 8 using files in the cloud that one would need an active internet connection before logging into the system so as to elliminate privacy. to say but just a few words, this was only but a rumour not saying this is far fetched as most of the computer games most people are buying nowadays are alaready implementing this idea just to name a few like Monday Night Combat among others that are mostly played online and one needs to always have an active internet connection to play this games not to say broadband speeds and the amount of traffic this creates.
the next thing to come out is this issue about SLAT. most people dont know what SLAT is and an alarmingly larger number dont even care about this. well just to shed a little light on the matter, SLAT is Second Level Adress Translation in full, well INTEL calls this technology EPT(Extened Page Tables) while AMD referes to this same technology as RVI(Rapid Virtulization Indexing). it is also good to note that Intel introduced this technology in the Nehalem processor family while AMD only recently introduced this technology in their third generation of Opteron processors.
That having being said, SLAT is mostly used to perform more memory management tools through VM by Hyper-V which significantly reduces the hypervisor CPU time thus increasing on efficiency.
Having said all that, here comes the BOMB, not all the processors out there support SLAT or whatever name you want to give it, well Windows 8 will bring in the issue of Hyper V, but in order for you to run Hyer V, your processor must support SLAT, well, dont worry my friends, this is why am here for you, if you want to know if your computer supports SLAT, hence Hyper V hence no problems with Windows 8 THEN

1. Download the following tool, let's call it SLAT checker but on more professional terms you can call it CoreInfo from the link ""
2. Extract CoreInfo to the root of your C drive
3. Open an elevated command prompt(you can do this by typing cmd in the start menu then right clicking on the command prompt icon then choose run as administrator)
4. navigate to the C: drive using command prompt (I assume you all know how to do this by now, if not, inbox me on facebook, twitter or even on Google + and I will get back to you as soon as I can)
5. Run coreInfo by typing "coreinfo.exe -v" (dont worry about the V, it has a purpose so just do what i say)
6. On an intel processor, the results displayed should have an asterix in the EPT row while on an AMD processor you will see something like hyervisor supported or a dash next to it, then you know you are safe

Thanks for reading this weeks blog entry, my Name is Meshack Musangi, AND I APPROOVE THIS MSG. TILL NXT TIME, ADIOS
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